Friday, April 23, 2010

Yes, to a great education!

While reading my classmates’ blogs, I found one that caught my attention. The blog is by Shannon, and it talks about the better approach to teaching and learning in the United States. What first caught my attention is the way that she defines good teachers. She says, “A good teacher knows how to engage students, are knowledgeable in their subjects, and understand the best way for students to learn.” I concur with Shannon’s definition of a good teacher because I know that every semester when I’m choosing my classes I look for those traits in my future professors. Shannon in her blog talks about a program that is called the Excellence in Teaching. This program was made to improve schools throughout the U.S. This program evaluates teachers’ learning methods and how efficiently are these method. Shannon concludes that if the United States adopted excellent in teaching’s methods of evaluation, The United States would have more successful students. I really like this notion because it’s true that behind an excellent student there is a great professor.

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